C-32 Fully Automated Wire Assembly Machine with Functional Test, CCD Inspection, Date Code Marking C-40 Automated both end Strip, Terminal Crimp and Pair Twisting Machine C-21 Fully Automated Connector Assembly Machine C-20 Fully Automated Toy Wire Assembly Machine with CCD inspection, Functional Testing and Date Code Machine C-39 Automated LED, Sensor end Soldering Machine C-34 Automated 5 Wire Cut, Terminal Crimp and Wire End Tin Machine C-14 Fully Automated Toy Battery Plug Cable Assembly Machine KOMAX 333PC Automated Both end Terminal Crimp Machine C-43 Fully automated multiple LED / Sensor soldering to wire in series, heat shrink tube insert and shrinking C-42 Automated 8 Wires Cut, Strip and Tin Machine C-35 Automated Terminal Crimp & Wire End Tin with Pair Twisting C-33 Laser cable marking Machine C-29 Automated Both end Terminal Crimp Machine C-47 Fully automated terminal crimp, Heat shrink tube insert and shrinking, LED / Sensor soldering, pair twisting machine C-54 Automated both end terminal crimping, heat shrink tube label laser printing machine. Length ranging from 80mm to 6 meter C-53 Automated wire cutting, terminal crimping, water seal insertion machine C-44 Large size cable cutting and stripping machine, length ranging from 80mm to 12 meter K-21 Ultrasonics Copper Welding Machine W-630 Laser Ink Label Printer With Auto length cutting E-44 Semi-auto strip and crimp machine with crimp pressure monitor